New – Registration and reporting catch and release trout
The only way we have to account for the number of catches and releases, is you… Without help from anglers, we would have no way to monitor the runs. Our guards descend the river several times per season to count salmon in the pools upright in their canoe, but your collaboration is essential to properly manage the salmon found in the river.
Before leaving the river, you must complete the lower part of your registration form and drop it off at one of the following locations: Bigpool #61, Glasspool #46, Bardsville #38 and Sacré-Coeur.
Record your small salmon’s lengths at the registration points. Record the trout that you’ve caught and kept by indicating their lengths. Record the catch and releases of salmon and trout. You must declare your catches within 48 hours.
If you didn’t catch anything, please record 0, even if it’s hard on your pride, we still ask to truthfully report your numbers.
In the name of salmon and sea trout, we thank you.